1,441 research outputs found

    OpenWizard : Une approche pour la création et l'évaluation rapide de prototypes multimodaux

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    National audienceDans cet article nous présentons OpenWizard, une approche à composants pour le prototypage et l'évaluation rapide d'interfaces multimodales. OpenWizard permet au concepteur et au développeur de tester rapidement un prototype multimodal non fonctionnel en remplaçant une partie de l'interface par des composants Magicien d'Oz (composants OpenWizard). Ces composants permettent de simuler les éléments manquants dans le prototype multimodal. OpenWizard s'appuie sur notre approche à composants pour le développement rapide d'interfaces multimodales, approche déjà implémentée au sein de la plateforme OpenInterface. Dans cet article nous présentons l'approche adoptée et certains des composants OpenWizard développés. Nous illustrons cette approche avec un exemple d'application multimodale, un système d'exploration multimodale de cartes géographiques

    Temporal Aspects of CARE-based Multimodal Fusion: From a Fusion Mechanism to Composition Components and WoZ Components

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    International audienceThe CARE properties (Complementarity, Assignment, Redundancy and Equivalence) define various forms that multimodal input interaction can take. While Equivalence and Assignment express the availability and respective absence of choice between multiple input modalities for performing a given task, Complementarity and Redundancy describe relationships between modalities and require fusion mechanisms. In this paper we present a summary of the works we have carried using the CARE properties for conceiving and implementing multimodal interaction, as well as a new approach using WoZ components. Firstly, we present different technical solutions for implementing the Complementarity and Redundancy of modalities with a focus on the temporal aspects of the fusion. Starting from a monolithic fusion mechanism, we then explain our component-based approach and the composition components (i.e., Redundancy and Complementarity components). As a new contribution for exploring solutions before implementing an adequate fusion mechanism as well as for tuning the temporal aspects of the performed fusion, we introduce Wizard of Oz (WoZ) fusion components. We illustrate the composition components as well as the implemented tools exploiting them using several multimodal systems including a multimodal slide viewer and a multimodal map navigator

    Counting outerplanar maps

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    A map is outerplanar if all its vertices lie in the outer face. We enumerate various classes of rooted outerplanar maps with respect to the number of edges and vertices. The proofs involve several bijections with lattice paths. As a consequence of our results, we obtain an e cient scheme for encoding simple outerplanar maps.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Assessment of general bullying and bullying due to appearance of teeth in a sample of 11-16 year-old Peruvian schoolchildren.

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    Objective: To assess the incidence of general bullying and bullying due to the appearance of teeth in a sample of 11-16 year-old Peruvian schoolchildren. Materials and methods: Cross-sectional study with a sample of 218 students aged 11 to 16 years old (13.41±1.44), 109 males, and 153 from a public school. A survey on general bullying and the appearance of teeth was applied using a validated questionnaire. Results: The frequency of general bullying was 32.57%, and bullying due to dental appearance was 18.81%. General bullying (p=0.005) and dental appearance (p=0.024) were more frequent in the public school, but there were no statistically significant differences according to sex. The highest frequency of general bullying was related to name-calling, which accounted for 47.71%. Victimization by appearance of teeth in one or two occasions in the last two months accounted for 12.39%, according to participating subjects

    Exploring the use of hand-to-face input for interacting with head-worn displays

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    International audienceWe propose the use of Hand-to-Face input, a method to interact with head-worn displays (HWDs) that involves contact with the face. We explore Hand-to-Face interaction to find suitable techniques for common mobile tasks. We evaluate this form of interaction with document navigation tasks and examine its social acceptability. In a first study, users identify the cheek and forehead as predominant areas for interaction and agree on gestures for tasks involving continuous input, such as document navigation. These results guide the design of several Hand-to-Face navigation techniques and reveal that gestures performed on the cheek are more efficient and less tiring than interactions directly on the HWD. Initial results on the social acceptability of Hand-to-Face input allow us to further refine our design choices, and reveal unforeseen results: some gestures are considered culturally inappropriate and gender plays a role in selection of specific Hand-to-Face interactions. From our overall results, we provide a set of guidelines for developing effective Hand-to-Face interaction techniques

    Bonjour! Greeting Gestures for Collocated Interaction with Wearables

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    International audienceWearable devices such as smartwatches (SW) and head-worn displays (HWD) are gaining popularity. To improve the collocated capabilities of wearables, we need to facilitate collocated interaction in a socially acceptable manner. In this paper we propose to explore widespread used greeting gestures such as handshakes or head gestures to perform collocated interactions with wearables. These include pairing devices or information exchange. We analyze the properties of greetings and how they can map to different levels of wearable pairing (family, friend, work, stranger). This paper also suggest how these gestures could be detected with SWs and HWDs

    El abordaje del linfedema secundario a cáncer de mama desde una perspectiva educacional y rehabilitadora. Revisión narrativa.

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    Trabajo fin de grado en EnfermeríaIntroducción y justificación: El linfedema es una patología crónica que se produce como consecuencia de alteraciones en la función del sistema linfático. La etiología más frecuente del linfedema secundario es el tratamiento del cáncer de mama. Se caracteriza por un desarrollo progresivo y evolutivo hacia la cronicidad e irreversibilidad, que afecta tanto a la esfera física como psicosocial de las personas que lo padecen. Objetivos: Analizar la evidencia de abordaje rehabilitador y valorar el abordaje educativo en pacientes en riesgo de desarrollar linfedema o con este instaurado secundario a tratamiento de cáncer de mama. Metodología: Se ha realizado una revisión narrativa. Las siguientes bases de datos fueron utilizadas para la búsqueda bibliográfica: Pubmed, Cinahl y Cuiden; incluyendo artículos publicados entre los años 2005-2015 a los que se aplicó criterios de inclusión y exclusión. Resultados: En la búsqueda se identificaron 109 artículos, de los cuales 20 han sido incluidos. Respecto al abordaje rehabilitador, la comparación de una intervención de ejercicio físico frente a un grupo control no muestra diferencias significativas respecto al volumen de la extremidad; lo mismo ocurre con el drenaje linfático manual. Sin embargo, la terapia de compresión y un abordaje multimodal ofrecen mejoras en el volumen del brazo Respecto al abordaje educativo existen gran cantidad de recomendaciones y cuidados del miembro afectado no basadas en evidencia. No se conoce el personal de referencia al que acudir. La percepción de las pacientes respecto al linfedema varía en relación a la información recibida. Conclusiones: Se recomienda instruir a las pacientes a que realicen programas de actividad física de forma temprana y de intensidad progresiva. A su vez, es fundamental el apoyo educativo para empoderar a estas pacientes sobre su condición.Introduction and justification: Lymphedema is a chronic disease that occurs as a result of alterations in the function of the lymphatic system. The most common cause of secondary lymphedema is the treatment of breast cancer. It is characterized by a progressive and evolutionary development towards chronicity and irreversibility, which affects both the physical and psychosocial aspects of people who suffer. Objectives: To analyze the evidence of the rehabilitation approach and to evaluate the educational approach in patients at risk of developing secondary lymphedema or with this already established as a result of treatment for breast cancer. Methodology: This was a narrative review. The following databases were used for the search: Pubmed, Cinahl and Cuiden; including published articles between 2005-2015 on which inclusion and exclusion criteria were applied. Results: After the literature search 109 articles were obtained, of which 20 have been included. Regarding the rehabilitation approach, there are no significant differences in the volume of the affected limb between an exercise intervention and a control group; No does it when evaluating manual lymphatic drainage. However, a compression therapy combined with a multimodal approach produces improvements in the volume of the limb. Regarding the educational approach, there are many recommendations and cares of the affected limb not based on any evidence. There is no knowledge of which professional to go to. The perception of patients regarding lymphedema varies in relation to the information received. Conclusions: It is recommended that patients be instructed to engage in physical activity programmes early and to progress in intensity. At the same time educational support is an essential factor in empowering these patients regarding their condition

    Spillover Effects of Quota or Parity Laws: The Case of Ecuador Women Mayors

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    Do quota or parity laws designed to improve the representation of women in plurinominal elections have a spillover effect to uninominal elections? We empirically test this theory by analyzing the effects of quota and parity legislations implemented in Ecuador for plurinominal elections on the proportion of women elected as mayors. Through an unpublished database, our results show that after the implementation of such legislation, the probability of a woman being elected as mayor almost doubles (ceteris paribus). We also find evidence that a possible causal chain for the documented spillover effects is the increasing importance of female role models, motivated by institutional changes shaped by the new legislation

    Análisis de edificación y sostenibilidad

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    El desarrollo sostenible, es un concepto amplio que afecta a todos los ámbitos de nuestro entorno natural, social y económico. Existen multitud de interrelaciones entre los diferentes ámbitos de éste que nos permitirán realizar un análisis tangible y apoyado en datos sobre las interacciones que se dan. La intención es realizar un análisis de los datos más relevantes de los indicadores del desarrollo sostenible que establecen relaciones con las edificaciones, a nivel del sector de la construcción y del parque residencial y terciario existente en España. No debemos olvidar el análisis de las leyes de la edificación, y de como se ha ido incorporando el desarrollo sostenible en los últimos años y que grado de repercusión ha alcanzado. Para analizar la edificación y sostenibilidad nos debemos respaldar en datos, los cuales se recogen en los indicadores más destacados en materia de desarrollo sostenible como son los: de la EEDS, la UE-EDS, el Banco Público de Indicadores Ambientales (BPIA) y los elaborados por el OSE. El carácter tan singular de la relación que se quiere establecer, provoca la búsqueda de otros muchos datos que establezcan relaciones más íntimas entre las edificaciones o la construcción. Estos datos se han sacado de las fuentes institucionales más relevantes, siempre con la finalidad de dar luz a las relaciones que se establecen entre los edificios y el sector de la construcción con los diferentes aspectos más notables con los que interactúan, en términos de desarrollo sostenible. Las relaciones se han establecido unas veces con la construcción como sector económico, otras atendiendo simplemente a las edificaciones como punto de consumo o desecho (hogares) de ciertos ítems. Las fuentes usadas para la elaboración de este análisis, aparte de los indicadores de sostenibilidad han sido: el Eurostat, proyecto Europeo CORINE Land Cover (CLC), el Instituto Nacional de Estadística (INE), Banco Público de Indicadores Ambientales (BPIA) del MARM, datos de documentos de diversos Ministerios, organismos e instituciones

    A solution to the tennis ball problem

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    We present a complete solution to the so-called tennis ball problem, which is equivalent to counting the number of lattice paths in the plane that use North and East steps and lie between certain boundaries. The solution takes the form of explicit expressions for the corresponding generating functions. Our method is based on the properties of Tutte polynomials of matroids associated to lattice paths. We also show how the same method provides a solution to a wide generalization of the problem.Postprint (published version
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